There are a number of different wow sod gold making tips and tricks that players can use to increase their bank balances. From optimizing graphics settings to selecting the right professions and leveraging specific farming spots, these unique approaches to gold earning can prove quite lucrative.

Skinning is a great profession to pursue for early wow sod gold making as it provides steady income through the collection of leather, hides and scales. It also pairs well with Leatherworking.

Optimizing Graphics Settings

Classic WoW Season of Discovery raw gold making is a great way to generate wealth in the game without needing to grind mobs or purchase items on the auction house. From optimizing graphics settings to selecting the right professions and leveraging specific farming spots, this guide offers a variety of unique wow sod gold making tips.

The first tip is to optimize your in-game graphics settings by going to Options, then Graphics, and lowering your environment details. This simple tweak makes it easier to spot interactable objects, like chests, and can lead to unexpected cheap wow season of discovery gold making opportunities. It also helps ensure you reach a consistent 60 FPS or higher, which is the recommended minimum FPS for smooth gameplay.

Next, enable both “Triple Buffering” and “V-Sync” on your GPU driver settings. This will allow WoW to render nativly in DirectX 11, which will significantly improve performance, especially for special effects. Note that this will cause the game to run in a separate window, so you may need to create a shortcut and log in with it each time.

Selecting the Right Professions

Professions are one of the most lucrative gold making methods in WoW. They allow players to create or gather high-end mats that can be sold on the Auction House, generating consistent income each week. In addition, certain professions offer utility outside of pure gold making, such as Leatherworking, which produces armor and weapons that can be sold to other players.

The most effective WoW SoD professions include Herbalism, Mining, and Alchemy. The former two provide valuable materials such as herbs, flasks, and elixirs that can be sold to other players for a profit. The latter provides a variety of consumables that are always in demand, including potions, gems, enchants, and gear.

Skinning is another highly profitable gathering profession, as it can be used to obtain leather and hides that sell for high prices on the Auction House. It’s a great choice to pair with Leatherworking and tailoring for a synergistic duo that can yield large amounts of gold each week.

Leveraging Specific Farming Spots

In addition to optimizing graphics settings, selecting the right professions, and leveraging specific farming spots, there are some other unique wow sod gold making methods you should consider. These methods aren’t going to make you rich overnight, but they can help you get started in the world of raw gold making.

One of the best wow sod gold making techniques involves skinning turtles. These creatures can be found in the northeast coast of Tanaris and drop tons of leather, hides and scales that sell for a decent amount of gold. Additionally, they also have a high chance of dropping expensive Dark Whelpling pets and BoE items like Bow of Searing Arrows.

Another great way to earn SoD gold is through sniping. This method involves keeping a close eye on the auction house, waiting for someone to list a valuable item for dirt cheap, and then flipping it for its actual worth. This can be a lucrative strategy for both melee and ranged characters.


Fishing is one of the best ways to make gold in wow sod without resorting to illegal methods such as buying and selling gold or using fishing bots. While it may not be as efficient as grinding mobs or purchasing items on the auction house, it's still a viable option for anyone who doesn't want to engage in these activities.

To start, players should first find a Fishing Trainer located at their faction's camp's major city and purchase a basic fishing pole. They can also buy fishing lures from fishing vendors or general goods vendors to improve their chances of catching more fish.

The northeast coast of Tanaris is an excellent place for players to farm due to the presence of turtles which drop tons of Turtle Scale and Turtle Meat (valuable resources used in the Leatherworking skill), along with expensive Dark Whelpling pet drops and rare BoE gear like the Bow of Searing Arrows. Additionally, crates and trunks found throughout the area contain items such as Seekers Scales, Essence of Water, and Mageweave Cloth (valued materials that can be sold to vendors or used for alchemy procs).

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